Attending a university means much more than simply attending class and studying all of the time. Libraries and classes are, of course, very important components of going to university, but I believe that an equal budgeting of funds should go to the university sports and social activities. This is because these extracurricular activities help students study better and promote learning social skills in the long run.
First of all, every student needs to release tension in order to continue studying effectively. Everyone knows that studying is the primary purpose of going to university, but the body must be considered along with the mind. If students sit in the library and classrooms day after day with no exercise or social interaction, they will surely suffer from their studies. A student who spends a few hours a week involved in a club – that is, a club for a hobby like dance – will be refreshed both physically and mentally. Thus, the refreshed student will be able to continue his or her touch schedule of attending classes, studying and completing assignments. Students with no outside interests will eventually use up all of their energy, which they need to study.
In addition, sports and social activities enable students to learn social skills that will certainly help them later in life after they have entered the real world. Academic knowledge is necessary to be successful in the world today, but it is not everything. For example, participating in a club, such as a soccer club, is a valuable learning experience. By playing sports in university, students can obviously develop a cooperative spirit and a sense of responsibility; thus, they can create good personal relations with others. This is important in life. When students are involved in sports and social activities, they can learn how to deal with others successfully in real social settings.
To sum up, while it is perfectly acceptable for universities to allow money for the improvement and upkeep of libraries and classroom facilities, the administrators have to take into account that students are not simply studying machines. University sports and social activities should receive equal funding for the purposes of helping students study effectively and teaching social skills. A healthy combination will surely produce a well-rounded student and citizen.
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